Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Pause for Healing

I love to pause... to take time out, especially for healing.

When I've been wrongfully accused of things, when I've been sick, when I've been busy or have suffered a loss--I've learned to take time out to heal.

I've also learned if I need a pause, I'd better not wait for other people to give it to me. I must take it for myself.

To take a pause out of my life, I must give myself permission to do so. It must be ok with me, otherwise, during the pause I will feel guilty and nothing postpones healing like guilt. I must believe with all my heart that pauses are vital to my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health--all which must run in harmony in order for me to fulfill my callings.

I've learned to pamper myself during pauses--to both rest and do what I love and see that as my medicine. To wait for God--to wait for His healing touch, a touch which is real and heals and soothes as nothing else. I must remember I cannot give away what I do not have...

A pause should last until God says it's complete. There is a timing to jumping back into life-- it's rather like when one jumps into a game of double-dutch jump rope. The timing must be perfect. I must be ready, prepared, to jump back in.... otherwise I'll jump amiss and get all tangled-up again in the ropes right away.

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