Sunday, September 04, 2005

For Such a Time As This

Since our weather cooled to bake instead of broil, I've been taking daily walks around my neighborhood. Nothing like trying to lose 20 pounds in one month before my parents arrive.

I look at all these old houses and wonder what would happen if we had a hurricane/flood/tornado/earthquake. And I know, these lovely, strong-looking houses would crumble.

But would I? Would I crumble if my whole world suddenly changed and everything was different, even leveled?

I think of the Bible and the way God has been preparing us for these very days for, like, thousands of years. He's warned us over and over, spent hundreds of thousands of days trying to prepare us for such a time as this.

For some of us, it takes longer than others.

I read Hal Lindsey's latest essay last night at his website here. It confirmed everything I've been feeling since last Monday and the news of the Hurricane began airing.

I think it's going to show someday the times I did not come away with Him now for extra preparation, guidance and strength. I think it's going to show when I made compromises and 'deals with God' and ignored Him about some things like trust and hope and not complaining or freaking-out as though He had no comfort or grace or calm to give me.

And I think it's going to show that I did listen and obey a few times. I did get prepared in some ways and learned to look to Him for provision rather than people, places and things. At least I hope it will show.

I don't want to crumble during the days ahead when more and more news broadcasters' sentences will begin with, "Never before in history," or "For the first time ever,". I don't want to embarrass God by acting crazy-wild like everyone who has never met Him when the days turn dire.

God has spent so much time and effort on me--I want it to be worth His time and trouble. And most of al, His patience. And when He finishes shaking everything which can be shaken, I want to be left standing.


"The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain." Hebrews 12:27

"Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one." Isaiah 44:8

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