Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Women And Leadership

There are blogs I read sometimes written by women who are trying to fight their way into leadership positions in their churches. 

I read them and smile because I used to believe much of what they do--that if a woman is going to get anywhere in the church, she's going to have to 'fight her way to the top.'

Key words: "used to believe."

I never leave comments at these blogs because my words would not be tolerated there. So I'll speak those words in my own blog instead (where they may not be welcomed, either).

I have found this verse to be true:

"A man's gift makes room for him and brings him before great men." Proverbs 18:16

God does not just give each of us gifts then tell us, "Run with that! Do with it as you will--use wisdom or don't--it's up to you." Instead, I believe He spends years preparing us to use our gifts wisely. He knows 'it's possible for our gifts to take us where our character cannot keep us'. He also knows that however many people we can help, that's also the number of people we can hurt.

There's been enough people hurt by ministers who ran out ahead of God before their character was tested and humbled. There have been enough ministry disasters along the horizon of the Past.

And since I'm talking about women here, what God wants are women He can trust with the gifts He uses through them. And I have to question whether God could trust these women in places of true leadership:

Women who write in their blogs that men in leadership in churches are jerks, imbeciles and not to be trusted, that most males are clueless as to how to minister to their churches and the outside world. Women who hold clandestine meetings to discuss ways to get around church leadership in order to do their own thing and are bitter about the doors closed to them and are still blaming men for closing them when it may very well be God, Himself, who has closed those doors.

(Yes, I've actually read these things online.)

God is not so mean or such a tease to give us gifts we are never set free to use. If we are at a place of frustration because we're not being allowed to use our gifts in the church, it is good to recall: "God opens doors which no man can shut." When He sees we're truly prepared to step into a leadership role, no man on earth and no demon in hell can stop that from happening.

Whatever our gifts, there is always a place to use them no matter where we may be spiritually. We all have neighbors, we live in towns with needy people. We all have the Internet. What is it that stops us from cooperating with God and starting small while He further works on our character? 

Dare I say it? I believe it is pride.

Years ago our pastor in Nevada said something which has never left me: He said, "If you feel you are called to be a leader, look behind you. Is anyone following you?"

Over and over I have seen simple, humble women year after year faithfully do all the small things God asked of them. And along the way they grew to a point where they were highly trusted and respected by both men and other women. And then this verse happened in their lives:

"For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up. But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts up another." Psalm 75:6,7

God promotes us, not man. If there's any true promoting to be done, it has gone through God's hands first before it passed through the hands of any man in authority.

If only we could all realize God's realm is not like the world's. His ways are not our ways and we do not get promoted in God's kingdom by fighting, calling names and bullying. If anything, that's what gets us demoted.

God promotes those with the humility and faithful heart of Jesus and those who He's prepared to lead. True leaders are true servants. God has a specific plan for each of us and He knows exactly the moment we are ready to step into that plan.

And when we are ready there will be a place--the perfect one--in which for us to serve. After all, that's what true leadership is all about--serving those in need. And again, people in need--they're everywhere.


"For man's anger does not promote the righteousness God [wishes and requires]." James 1:20

"You're not fit to be in authority until you learn to come under authority." ... Joyce Meyer


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