Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Making Preparations

In my last post, I mentioned living prepared to comfort others.

Now as I watch coverage of the Hurricane Katrina disaster, I am asking myself more questions.

Am I prepared to handle such a devastating crisis if it were to happen to me? Since I believe the Bible, I also must believe what it says about these Last Days, namely, that things will only get harder in just about all arenas of Life. Am I getting prepared now for rougher times down future roads?

Am I letting God change me from the inside out? Am I letting Him take away, brick by brick, my need to control people, places and things in my life and instead, give that control over to Him? 

In disasters such as floods, I would venture to say the loss of control is what leads to incredible frustration. If I've already given that control to God--my whole life in reality--that frustration would, hopefully, be replaced by the trust I'd already come to rely upon in difficult daily situations. 

Or, instead, am I experiencing much wild-eyed frustration already in the daily, tiny annoyances and illustrating my smallness as in this verse: "If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength!"... Proverbs 24:10?

Trust requires unanswered questions. Do I so trust God now that, no matter what happens, I'd be able to remain sure of Him, His care, His love, His goodness?  Or would I yell at, question and accuse Him and basically, fall apart?

Can I obey Him now in small things such as--if He tells me to stop watching CNN's coverage of disasters because it's lowering me into a sad pit so deep, that it will take a miracle to lift me back up--will I turn it off the minute I sense His voice? Will I do whatever it takes to obey Him and keep the channel between Him and me clear and unobstructed? Or will I just sit there like a zombie and miss chances to be a light and a help?

Many people will disagree with this--that's ok. But as for me, I would rather die than, out of my confusion and distrust, accuse God of terrible injustices. Yes, His shoulders may be broad, and yes, He knows we are but dust, but He still has a heart which can be made sad by my questioning of His goodness, especially after all He's done for me.

I want to get prepared now for whatever is ahead up the road so that I'll not risk hurting the One I love best in all this world. 

These things take time. Growth, real, lasting, stand-firm-against-that-mountain growth--require years. That's because relationships take time and history--none more so than my relationship with God. And it's that relationship which will, ultimately, get me through any crisis.

I'm starting now. I'm getting prepared now before it's too late.


"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him..."... Job 13:15

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