Saturday, August 13, 2005

The Colleges In Your Own Backyard

In many ways, my tendency to think outside the box is what has always made me feel different than most people I have known.

Take this thing about college. Nearly all my friends in the past 26 years that I've been married, have returned to college. They've entered large buildings where they pay huge sums of money for either self improvement or a better job. Or both. Or they've paid to take classes online.

Well, you know how the Sixth Sense kid saw dead people everywhere?
I see colleges everywhere.

I've told you about God University and a couple classes (here and here) which I took there.
And I've already told you about Homemaking College.

But there are many, many more places of higher learning. Places where incredible make-your-life-better lessons are free for the learning if only we'll open our eyes.

There is:

Supermarket College
City Library College
Dealing With Church People College
Staying Happily Married College
Raising Children College
In-Law College
Neighborhood-Living College
Internet College
Blog Land College
Movie Theater College
Gardening In Your Backyard College
Driving In Traffic College
Going On Vacation College
Department Store College
Estate Sale College
Life Experience College

--- and more.

Since Jr. High, I have refused to think like everyone else--and that has made all the difference. I love seeing the invisible, (and it is fun attending invisible colleges), but I've had to get used to the strange looks and the try-to-be-like-most-people lectures.

I'm not going to write about what I learned at each of these colleges, but in my next post, I'll outline a few things from my days at Supermarket College. Stay tuned. You won't want to miss it.  ッ


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