Monday, August 22, 2005

Bike Lady Reborn

Another mini-vacation weekend from my blog. Years ago I learned the difference between being faithful to a thing and being faithful to God.

They are wildly different.

If I am faithful to a thing, I will neglect other areas which should be addressed and attended to and enjoyed. But if I am faithful to God, the thing will get done the very best way because I'll be responding with His wisdom, not my own. I will miss-out on nothing of real importance and the people in my life will not feel neglected, either.

But that's a whole other post.

Tom had one day off this weekend and we watched a movie in which I saw something I am now dreaming about. The college-age daughter in this movie rode home from school along a river on an old Schwinn-type ladies' bike. She wore a longish floral dress with a blue cardigan sweater over it and her long hair floated behind her.

Oh my, it was like seeing the woman of my deepest soul. That is exactly who I am way down there deep and now she is begging me to let her come out and take a bike ride.

Tom is such a sweetheart--I paused the movie and told him I want an old bike like that and look--isn't that girl very much like a younger me? He agreed because that is how I looked when he met me. He got excited about painting a bike in original old-bike-colors for me then setting me off to spin around these pre-WWII neighborhoods. And right after the movie, he looked in the classified ads for an old bike for me--he called about one and left a message.

I can't wait till we find one. I'll ride around our neighborhoods with long wavy hair floating and be known as That Woman Who Looks Like She's From The 1950's. Maybe I'll search for vintage picnic dresses at Salvation Army and grow my hair long.

Besides, I'll need longer hair when I get my bike or else how will it flow behind me, touching the small of my back and completing the image of that woman deep inside who wants to ride an old bike and look like a 1950's vision before it is too late?


P.S. Lennon is doing much better! The vet was very happy with Lennon's blood results on Saturday and so were we, of course. Thanks so much for your prayers--I appreciate them far more than you realize.


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