Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Uh-Oh-- I'm Watching A TV Reality Show

The world must be ending! 

Last week Miss Pollyanna starting watching a real-live tv reality show. What's more -- I loved it. I'm planning on watching it every single week.

Unfortunately I caught only the last hour of two. What in the world was it? It was Brat Camp on ABC. It's a show where troubled teens were sent out to the high desert by their parents with a team of counselors/professionals who take groups out like this all the time. The kids were told by their parents they'd be gone a week, but turns out, it will be a minimum of 40 days (if I recall correctly).

Now, ok. The parents should have probably told the kids the truth up front--what exactly they were getting into. But (and some of you will disagree, probably those of you who have tiny, cute, obedient children)--desperate times do sometimes call for desperate measures.

The show will be on again tonight and rather than tell you all about the problems these kids were exhibiting in their homes, etc.,  I'll let you watch it for yourself. If you wish.

Why would I like such a program? It must be the teacher-me, the huge desire I have within my heart to see people turn around and view Life things in a new brighter light. My wanting to see people come to peace within themselves and their families.

And ok, I'm a fixer. 

Or rather, one of my main goals is to aim people toward the greatest Fixer of them all. And not that Brat Camp will do that by the series' end, but hopefully it can calm these kids down so that they'll glimpse something to keep them going, alive and out of prison while they search for that which is real, abundant life.


A note: If you are the type of person who believes that an easy, pampered life will make kids and adults stronger, you will definitely not like Brat Camp.

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