Thursday, July 07, 2005

This Is Our World Now

I watched the news of the terrorist attacks on London and I thought, not for the first time, "This is our world now."

Oh, not the everyday and everywhere world, but a bigger part of our world than I like to realize. And I think we must each ask ourselves what are we going to do about it?

Will I hide in my house, will I make it my world, only venturing out when I must? Will I watch life from a tv screen with movie actors instead of experiencing it for myself? Will I leave a legacy of fear and distrust to my daughter?

Or will I keep my eyes on God? Will I do whatever it takes to keep the peace within me when I can see it nowhere outside of me? Will I operate from a base of the peace and assurance others who fall apart in times of great stress will need to help them keep going?

The time to prepare for a crisis is not in the middle of a crisis. I first heard that ten years ago and I have spent those years preparing for times such as these. But too off and on, hit and miss--and that must change.

I believe in walking ready, living ready, 24/7 and to share comfort, encouragement with those who did not prepare early.

--and with those who have absolutely no idea that there is One who sticks closer than a brother, especially in days and times like these. Especially in this world such as we know it now.

How to prepare? By paying attention to that still, small voice, even if it means getting quiet when everyone is telling you you are wasting your time.

By reading what God says about real life in His word and then doing what we have read--even when it hurts.

By remaining teachable, not proud.

By getting real with ourselves. Letting God deal with and humble us instead of running to Him complaining about how others act and trying to do in them what only God can do.

By keeping our houses in order--the one of wood, the one of flesh.

By letting God have the final word. Staying when He says stay, going when He says go. Speaking when He says speak, shutting our mouths when He says shut your mouth.

Ultimately---by surrendering to and obeying God and loving others as He does. And by loving others even while it's not easy. 

We cannot give away that which we do not already have so to give away the comfort of God I must first be receiving it for myself.


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