Saturday, July 02, 2005

Respecting Silence

I've taken some time off from blogging because, well, nothing is coming to mind to write about. 

Just little themes here and there ("Maybe I could write about ___. Or wait! Maybe about _____, instead.") But it gets no further than that and I know I'm only grasping for straws. And you deserve better.

I'm learning to respect God's silences. To honor His teaching times and my student times--and to not panic and start reasoning why, why, why I'm unable to write freely like before. 

Instead, I love being reminded of who I am apart from my blogging and  alone with Him. I've watched many people get excited by their ministry and then turn unexcited about Him. Then burned out. I don't want that to be me.

And I am learning to not run out and shoot off my mouth, pretending like it's God speaking through me, when it's so not.

Maybe the words will return tomorrow. Perhaps He'll let me write about my day or weekend or silly things. Maybe He won't. This blog is His--my life is His--so again, I must respect the silence.

And I know you will, also.


"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." ... Psalm 46:10

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