Friday, June 24, 2005

Life Yard Sales

Tomorrow we're holding our annual yard sale. 

For two weeks I've searched through drawers and cupboards for things I no longer need or like. I am even letting go of at least 100 books--perhaps more. My criteria for the ones I kept? They have to make my heart race a little when I think of rereading them.

I had many books which created not even a tiny blip in my heart.

It's good to get rid of what no longer means anything to us. To accept that we change and grow, and that losing interest in certain things is fine and a part of life. I used to let that very thing confuse and bewilder me. I used to race around trying to resuscitate and ride long-dead horses (so to speak). But there comes a time to give things away--release them-- even if they originally cost a lot or were gifts. If they served a purpose, they were worth the price. But a thing kept too long is a thing which weighs us down.

Life is one big growth process--or it should be if I want to stay healthy--and there is an ebb and flow to everything, rather like tide water. Things come, things go. People come, people go. Likes come, likes go.

Of course, some things or people, stay in our lives forever. But nearly all of them change as well. If we're wise, we'll give them space to grow, even if we don't always where they've wandered.

There is no growth without change. Once I stopped dreading change, I began growing--a bit faster, in fact.

There is no growth without letting go of weights, burdens and negative influences. Growing requires lots of letting go--usually having to release our grip just when we've gotten used to routines, etc.

I'm thankful for our yearly yard sale for it shakes the clutter from my hands and opens my eyes. Yard sales keep me being unable to move around in freedom.

There's tremendous freedom in letting go and a great promise of growth in welcoming change.


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