Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Energy (Or The Lack Thereof)

Summer is not my favorite season. Especially when we're having the hottest one here on record since 1967. 

Well, our tv weatherman said we are heading that way.(I wanted to slap him.)

Heat and Humidity and I do not get along. We fight a lot. And by the time I'm finished fighting and complaining and whining, I have even less energy than I had to begin with.

But I'm (slowly) learning to not waste my feeble bit of energy on complaining about what I cannot change, but rather using wisdom when the sun bakes the house.

I am learning to walk around slowly on these mornings after nights which never did cool and just doing what I can. Accepting that. 

Then I'm saving sit-down jobs for afternoons when I can sit in front of the air conditioner. To get my housework and gardening out of the way early, rejoicing I got any work done at all.

And to be thankful that we are "human-beings" instead of "human-doings." That God is more concerned with who we are--what's going on inside-- than what we do

And that He wants to be our source of physical strength as well as emotional, mental and spiritual strength, too. I remind myself of that on these ridiculous, hot summer days.

And knowing that? I realize I'll be fine--and this, too, shall pass.


"When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but on the abundance that's present--love, health, family, friends, work and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure-- the wasteland falls away and we experience joy in the real lives we live each day." ... Sarah Ban Breathnach

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