Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Mormon Movies

Hey guess what? Tom and I have become recent fans of movies produced by Mormon folk. We, ourselves, are not Mormon (in case you were wondering), but the two films we've seen so far have been fun and sweet and refreshing.

Last night we watched Baptists At Our Barbeque and enjoyed every single curse-less, sentimental, small-town moment of it. Tom and I met and married in a very small mountain town and I've noticed since, that we especially love movies which poke fun at that way of life (in a kind way, of course). シ

Our first Mormon movie was The Home Teachers--

--of which the last sentimental half-hour more than makes up for some earlier, shall we say, lame-osity. But those last minutes played before our eyes what James 1:27 tries to get through to us:

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

If anyone can watch that scene without becoming, at the very least, misty-eyed, I'd be shocked. That's how powerful it is. (You'll have to see it for yourself--you'll get no hints from me to spoil it.)

We're going to search for other Mormon movies in our local rental place. Tom and I go through phases with our movie-viewing. I remember the Science-Fiction Phase, the Ma and Pa Kettle Phase,  The Blondie and Dagwood Phase, etc.

Just thought I'd mention these well-made Mormon films for anyone who may be Modern Movie Weary of all the junk which usually is included. 

In Baptists At Our Barbeque and The Home Teachers, we found no junk--only fun ways illustrating how to (and how not to) live this life God has given us.


For more of my favorite movies, click here. Scroll down for my list from the last 12 years or so.


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