Thursday, May 26, 2005

The End Of An Era

Brownie died today.

He was the last of my mice born in March of 2003. He'd outlived all his sisters and brothers.

He was the only brown mouse in the bunch. He was born the strongest and biggest, too.

And now he's gone and it's the end of the Mouse Era of my life. I have been saying for months that never again will I keep mice because they don't live long and they spend too much time preparing to die.

No, no more mice. Not ever.

But oh, they are so much fun when they're young and healthy. They race around like maniacs and look as though they are in love with life.

And best of all, they come running out of their houses when you call and they look up into your face with anticipation. As though they are out-of-their-mind-happy to see you and wow, that's a very comforting thing when your family and friends only mildly nod at you.

They are a joy when they are young. Sweet, even comforting.

They are a sad burden when they are old and ailing. And they become old so fast.

No, no more mice. Not ever.

And to be safe, I'll probably never again walk past the glass mouse cages at Petsmart.

It's too easy to lose my heart that way. 


March 12th, 2003 - May 26th, 2005

Good-bye Brownie, my little brown buddy with the pink nose, who until a week ago, made the very best of his solitary life. Your happiness on regular, average days will always inspire me.


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