Sunday, April 17, 2005

Soul Validation

Where do you get your soul validation? 

For years I attempted to get mine from friends and family and anyone else who'd look at me. It's as though I constantly asked these silent questions:

Am I ok?
Am I important?
Am I important to you?
Do you need me?
Do I make this world a better place?
Is your life better for having known me?

--to the point of making myself a needy, affirmation-gasping mess on the inside.

What has changed? I go to God for soul validation now. 

What a difference! For one thing, He's never on vacation, out walking the dog or visit His other friends.   Well, He does visit His other friends, but He can visit with me simultaneously. 

But always, He's there for me. Always.

He also tells me this world is a better place for my having been here because of the times I've let Him speak or act through me. He makes this world better through me-- and that thrills my heart. It's not all about what I do--it's about who He is in me and what He does.

Years ago, God convinced me I'm important to Him,so why do I need to hear it from a bunch of other people? He says He needs the friendship I offer Him and that He loves to spend time with me. 

Incredible. Blows my mind.

Everything changed when I started running to God for validation. I have inner peace now since I stopped racing around, forcing it from others and what I do. Instead, I've found peace because of who I am--in God and with Him.

Again--incredible. Truly.

"You will seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, says the Lord: and I will turn away your captivity..." Jeremiah 29:13,14


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