Friday, March 18, 2005

The Wisdom of Before

It's the little foxes which spoil the vine...

In my life, I've thought like many people--that it's possible to get something for nothing. Yet all of Life's good things cost something--usually a great deal.

But now I'm learning the wisdom of Before:

Before God can use me in big ways, I must first obey Him in little ways.
Before I will receive comments at my blog, I must comment at other blogs.
Before I can write my creative best, I must let go of trying to write like everyone else.
Before God can trust me with a lot of money, He must be able to trust me with a small amount.
Before God blesses me with new possessions, I must first care for the stuff He already gave me.
Before I can take the next step, I must take the first step .
Before I can become healthy, I must first let go of junk food and laziness.
Before I can have friends, I must show myself friendly.
Before I can learn new things, I must unlearn some old things.

Everything in Life costs something. For years I tried finding a way around that fact. Tried blaming my problems on other people, places or things. Tried re-writing or re-working the ebb-and-flow and give-and-take of Life.

I tried superseding God's incredible wisdom by desiring the blessings of After without doing the work of Before.. But there are no short-cuts with God. No cheating, either.

Maybe I can save you a few wasted years...

"He who is faithful in little things will be made ruler over much."

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." ... Galations 6:7


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