Thursday, March 24, 2005

Waiting For God to Make Sense ... pretty much a big waste of time.

At least, that's what I've found. I used to expect His ways to be like mine. I'd wait and do His will only when it made sense to my head, and big shock, I rarely saw miracles.

Now? I remind myself to stay away from mental reasoning because it has cheated me out of seeing God move. He is so big about this Faith stuff and loves it when I'm walking on water or on a tight rope with only His hand supporting me.

It takes God to understand God.

For years I spent years listening to my own head and grew so weary of my own ideas and so-called wisdom. Now, the funny thing is, I've discovered when I listen and obey Him, I accomplish twice as much with half as much effort--usually a sign that God's helping fingers were involved.

I've done it both ways--been on both sides. 

Spent years waiting for God to ask me to do easy things which would need no help from Him. Simple things which would require no real faith or trust or courage. Safe things where I couldn't fall, then appear silly.

And I wondered why my Life was so boring.

When I do that which makes little sense and yet is, from what I can tell, coming from God? Pretty wild things happen. He sets me free from a lot of fear and paralyzing shyness. I find myself walking on water--and usually having a pretty remarkable time. Mostly.

And the best part--I bring a other people out on that water with me. Upon that sea where miracles are pretty much the order of the day, the laughter of  swimming in freedom is like music.


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