Friday, March 04, 2005

Sometimes It *Is* All About Me


Well, a couple of the comments to my last post reminded me of something which changed my whole life years ago. Reminded me that what people do to me is rarely the Big Issue--it's my own reactions which matter the most to God.

Take this verse, for instance:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

My take on that? It's not about what people are doing to me.

It's about seeing where the real attack is coming from.

And it's about seeing the Big Picture--how God uses Sandpaper People to smooth our rough edges. It's about iron sharpening iron in order to become a more useful instrument.

And it's about Me dying to becoming angry at people... and allowing their behavior to ruin my day (and my life)...and blowing-up when poked...and wanting to get revenge (albeit in subtle, unpinpointable ways)...

It's about Me letting God slice away at the overly-sensitive parts of me which get offended when people say the wrongs things at the wrong time... It's about God being more concerned that I don't say the wrong things at the wrong time.

It's about Me not having to be in control of everything around me...

And it's about Me becoming empty of myself--self, self,self-- so that more room is made for more of God. His likeness, His love, His depth of longsuffering with imperfect people. I can either be full of God or full of myself. I desire the latter, so I must die:

"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other." Matthew 6:24

So you see, sometimes it is all about me... It's all about me needing to change. It's all about me wanting God to change me more than I want Him to make my life better by changing the flawed people in my life.

Because the amazing thing is that my life will become better when God makes me more like Jesus. Everybody looks different--better-- when you look at them through His eyes of love.


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