Monday, March 07, 2005

Dentists and Other Callings

Poor old Debra had to go to the dentist today and have a filling removed from the wisdom tooth she cracked a couple weeks ago. And then the dentist had to replace the filling with a new one. Can you say, "A fun time was not had by all"?

So I've been hibernating on this grey (grey, grey) windy, rainy day in the recliner, waiting for the swelling in my mouth to go down. And praying that I'll have no problems with this latest filling--the dentist mentioned possibly having to yank out the whole tooth if things don't turn out right.

I am so not in the mood for that right now.

But anyway, while the dentist worked on my mouth, I thought about what a blessing it is to have gone to the same dentist for 12 years. Only one other time in my life did I even live in the same town for 12 years, and too, this is the first time I've ever, in my life, lived in the same house for more than 3 years.

I am learning to like change, and yet it's still a treat to have some things stay the same.

And speaking of my dentist, for all these years I've watched him beneath the bright light while his hands are in my mouth and I've thought, "Never in a bazillion years could I be a dentist. I so admire my dentist--all dentists--but yick! That is one job I could never, ever stomach."

Being a dentist is just one of many jobs I certainly could not do and one of the callings I most certainly do not have. Here are just a handful of others--

Being a mortician/medical examiner
Or a doctor/nurse/surgeon/veterinarian
Or a plumber
Or a biology teacher
Or a fireman or a school janitor
And so many others...

I am so grateful for these people! And grateful that God gives folks the grace to do all sorts of jobs which make the world go 'round.

I love to watch people do what they were called to do--people who didn't choose something they were never meant to do, but instead, followed the light God placed within them. People who saw the vision through. They make me stand in awe and pause, if only for a moment, because they give me a glimpse of the bigger picture--perfect artistry-- as designed by God, Himself.


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