Saturday, March 12, 2005

Alone With God

Another blogger and I were talking about this yesterday...

Sometimes, for a season, God wants you all to Himself.

You can recognize that season when you start wanting something--
But you don't know what...
And your friends wander away into a fog...
And Life doesn't make the sense that it used to--
Puzzle pieces no longer fit...
And there's that annoying yearning in your heart
Which never leaves--though it seems
People leave by the droves.

It could be that God wants to get you alone...

To love you...
To form a relationship that, never again, will be shaken...
To finally become First, really First, with you forever.

To teach you
To obey His voice--only--in the midst of hundreds of others...
To come to Him when called...

To strip you
Of layers of self and selfishness
And pride and your own way--

All in what, at first, appears to be a desert
But, in reality,
Is a garden in the cool of evening time.

All the great ones in the Bible had their years alone with God--
Moses had desert years before the whole Israelite journey...
Jacob, wrestled with God, and had to unlearn some things...
Young David tended his sheep in green pastures...
Paul had his years after the Damascus Road episode...
All the prophets--
All had their years alone with God.

So if God is calling to you to come away with Him
You are in very good company, indeed.

What an invitation!
What an honor
To be invited to become a friend of God.


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