Wednesday, February 16, 2005

My Yesterday

Sometimes when a day is rough, God cuts you some slack and brings out the sun from behind winter snow clouds and makes Outside sparkle.

And you sit in your sunroom while music is playing and look deep into your house and feel Gratitude for all the cats sleeping upon your old furniture. The light is pouring through your windows, making the sagging, overstuffed chairs look like early Spring and then your heart, too, skips ahead two months to the time of daffodils. Even though you thought it not possible--on that day which had promised to tick only sad minutes.

And God delivers gifts to your door all day, well, they come by way of the computer, actually. Messages from online friends who share comfort they have known--and you smile to be remembered and prayed-about by people you'll recognize in Heaven not by their faces, but by their heart's voice. And more gratitude floods you, up even to your eyes, like the sunlight pouring through the sunroom windows--the light which is making all things appear new.

Later, you walk down the hall and look at The Cat Who Will Not Be Napping Much Longer upon your bed, and then turn your head to see your grandparents smiling back at you from picture glass. And clearly from their garden scene and from Heaven, too, they tell you, "We'll take care of Skittles until you get here." And another smile cheers your heart.

Your husband is actually home during this hard day--not 12 hours at work like usual--to help you through this. He's there to cling to and watch tv with while you hold The Cat Who'll Not Be Here Long. And you know your heart and his are meeting in the space between your chair and his recliner--and slow dancing a comfort waltz.

And then nine o'clock at night comes and with it, a miracle.

A miracle called Comfort Straight From God.
A you-can-touch-it comfort.
A peace which comes like healing oil.
A steadying of your quivering heart.

And you realize that somewhere in the day you walked through the Acceptance Door--and that has made all the difference. The splendor of God is behind that door and He led you there--and even helped you turn the handle.

Oh the light!

And the peace is like nothing else.

I am very thankful to all of you who left your comforting, encouraging comments yesterday. Thank-you so very much for each one.


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