Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Blogging:The Return of Teen Angst?

Blogging--sometimes I think it yanks us back to a high school mentality. It's tempting to want to be one of the cool bloggers... To pray the popular bloggers will visit your blog and then return to their own to add you to their blogroll... To aim for an A+ on your posts... To try to impress everyone and be accepted by your peers.

I guess anything we do comes along with similar temptations. Maybe that's why many adults forever act as though they are still in high school--because in some ways, they still are. (Of course that's not anyone reading this! But I'm just saying...).

I remember in my early days of blogging long, long ago, (well, July...), I used to be ecstatic if 15 people read my blog in one day. (Ah, the innocence of starting anything new.) Now I wonder if my readers are bored, straying, sick, dead, or dying if I don't get at least 80 hits a day.

Good grief.

But I refuse to allow blogging to become like recycled high school. And heaven help me if I get blogging contest fever. You know, get all caught up in blog contests which aim to find the best blogs written by Christians or Pagans or Jokesters or CPA's or Tobacco Farmers or Men on The Moon....

God rewards faithfulness, the daily just-plug-away-at-it-and-do-as-He-tells-you kind of faithfulness. Promotion comes from God. And thank-goodness, when He promotes us, it's never too early--never before our character can handle it. Plus, there is no better press agent anywhere.

So in the meantime, I just want to dictate into my blog what I believe God is saying through me. And leave it at that. Whether zillions of people come or only 2 or 3. And I'll be a success if I can keep it just that simple.

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