Sunday, January 16, 2005

God And Silence

Yesterday? My first day off from blogging in ages. 

I kept hearing, "Take the day off. Relax." Still, it's sometimes a test to not forge ahead and make something up, even when I feel Grace is not helping me write. It's often a test when God is leading me to stillness while the world is saying, "Doing nothing is a big fat waste of time."

But then, so much of what the world says has become suspect with me. Too much of it is at polar opposites of the Bible.

Anyway, yesterday morning it was around 15 cold, but sunny degrees, yet Tom and I drove to our supermarket and had coffee while reading the newspaper. And there sitting in the shiny newness of our neighborhood store, I read something silly.

There is a Saturday column written by two 'people of the cloth.' They were asked by a mother if she should be concerned that her four-year-old talks to God a lot. The columnists said talking to God is perfectly wonderful, but the problems arise when people say they hear God speak back to them.

Ok, part of me understood their concern--their fear-- but the other part of me wanted to scream right there amongst the tables,coffee and other customers.

How sad to represent God before lonely people and to not have experienced verses like, "My sheep hear my voice," and "Come let us reason together," and "Those whom I love, I tell their faults," and even:
"But the Comforter...shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance," to name only four obvious ones.

Yet even with a verse like, "There is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother," well, how can you have a friendship if one of those friends never says anything?

I'm not one of those people who say, "God did all His speaking in the Bible. Period." To me, that's tragic. How sad to think that God said so many beautiful things in the Bible then forever closed His mouth, vowing not to speak within our hearing until we reach Heaven.

And yes, of course, many terrible things have been done in the world by people who swore, "God told me to do it." But if what 'God told them to do' contradicted the Bible, well, what they heard was something different. (And of course, people often disagree about what the Bible does say, but I'm not going there--not right now.)

No this is simpler. 

I'm just saying there are quiet places where God speaks when we listen (key word--listen). And ok, I'll say it-- He speaks to me. (I'll give you the address of those two columnists if you'd like them to come take me away to a padded cell.) ツ

But I cannot accuse God of not honoring true friendship. Friendship does take at least two,requires incredible communication and I've found there is no better Communicator, no better Friend anywhere.



  1. amen ...
    ps. it as -48C here this morning . . . no kidding!

  2. I found your blog through Samantha's (Home Realm). You blog like I think and wish I would blog. Really enjoying your thoughts here. One thing about hearing from God, the prophets heard from God or else how could they prophecy, right? So, yes, some will hear from God. Like you said, those who truly listen. That's also why we need to know the Scriptures - to know what God would say and to detect the counterfeits. Good post! Btw, I might check out Harvey after your glowing comments about it. I've never seen it before. Blessings to you! P.S. I linked to you. Hope that's okay.

  3. A good response, Debra.

    Hey, why don't you, as a Woman of the Fleece, edit this into a smaller letter-to-the-Editor and offer a counter to the Men of the Cloth and let the world know over your way that God does indeed speak to his own! Go for it; sweet and simple. "My sheep hear my voice," is the crunch line. YAY!


  4. I believe that God gave us the Holy Spirit to speak to us each and every day and night. But how can we hear him if we take no quiet time? Children find their quiet time, their solace. It's usually adults who stay too busy to hear the quiet voice.

  5. Thanks, Everyone! Saija--Brr! Those are some cold temps! Keep warm way up there...
    Kim--So good to receive your first-time comment. I enjoyed reading your blog today! And yes, if you can rent Harvey I think you'd really enjoy its humor and homespun warmth. Oh, I, too, am an avid Miss Read fan and prefer the Thrush Green series, though I enjoy Fairacre, a lot,also. Such down-home books--I wish I would have discovered them sooner. And linking to me is always fine--I love it when that happens! :o) Thanks again and I hope I'll see you here often...
    Pete--You know, I did think about submitting this to the newspaper, (we do think alike), but I believe God is saying this is still just my Blogging Season and the newspaper season will follow. Thanks for your encouragement!
    Jeanette~~ Amen-- in spades-- with your comment!
    Thanks, Everyone.... God bless... Debra


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