Thursday, January 06, 2005

Don't Wanna Become a Clanging Symbol

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." I Corinthians 13:1,2

Funny how God can use the computer to show you things.

I've confessed before that I'm always searching for those elusive Wonder Blogs. You know, blogs which make me think... make me gasp with wonder...Blogs which show me the ordinary in a whole new way... ones which strengthen and expand my faith.

And the rare times I find one, it's always a grand and glorious day around here.

Yet, there are other times when I think I've found a Wonder Blog, but later I have to let it go... like when you catch a too-small fish.

I want to be careful when I explain this to you... It's hard. And for the remainder of this, I am only speaking about blogs which profess to be 'Christian.' But I guess I let go of some blogs, non-journal Christian blogs, because soon it feels like they are only handing out 'Christian information.' They don't allow comments on their blog, nor do they get back to you when you email them. Or maybe they supply no way to even communicate with them at all. Or maybe people leave comments, but those comments are never replied to, neither in the comment section or in future posts.

And then it seems like the 'Christian information' they are giving out becomes harsh. Critical. Putting down everyone who ever made a mistake or believed a different way.

And even though they continue to share some truths which I find interesting, if all these other things are going on, I usually let them go. Like the too-small fish.

But those blogs are very good for something. They teach me what not to do. They hold a light up to my own blog and show me its weaknesses and make me gasp in horror when I see some of the same dreadful things trying to creep inside. And then I take my lantern and run around trying to crush those creepy little crawlers within my own four blog walls.

So those blogs provide a service. They reaffirm to me the vital importance and truth of 1 Corinthians 13. Which makes them valuable, even though I let them go.

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love..." I Corinthians 13:13

ADDENDUM TO THIS POST: I would love to be given links to your favorite blogs which " make you think... make you gasp with wonder...Blogs which show you the ordinary in a whole new way... ones which strengthen and expand your faith." Really--please tell me about them in my comment box. Thanks.



  1. Oh Michael... You crack me up! I'm sure you can recommend a whole bunch of blogs which are better than that one! :o) God bless... Debra

  2. Oh, Debra! This is your Maud friend Beth! I'm worried that one of the blogs you reject in this post is mine. Let me explain: It's not that I don't allow comments. I took away the comments function because I never got any comments, and it was depressing me. I mean, I'd get so upset. Even my own family doesn't read my blog and comment. So, I decided that if no one could comment, then I wouldn't have to face up to the fact that I don't have any readers! I was just saving my poor wounded self from further rejection, that's all!

    Then again, I'm not claiming that my blog is "Christian," so I'm hoping you didn't mean me!

    Peace in His name! Beth

  3. Hi again, Beth.... Oh no! Like I emailed you, I didn't mean your blog. :o) God bless... Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.