Monday, January 10, 2005

Coming When Called

Nearly all my days used to be like this:

I would sense God whispering, "Slow down." To come away with Him for even just a few minutes. To sit quietly and listen from my heart.

You'd think I'd be honored by an invitation from God to spend time with Him, wouldn't you? But when He would call, I would say things like,

"Just give me a minute. First I need to wash the dishes, then run to the store for bread and eggs, and then write that email to Mary. You know what happens if I put those things off. They don't get done."

Hours later, after I'd finished what I had put ahead of God, I'd sit down. "There," I'd think. "I've finished what I felt I should do first. I have a few minutes before I should start dinner and feed the cats and pay the bills."

It amazes me how I can pretend I'm not grieving the Holy Spirit.

What a difference, though, the times I come when He calls. Morning, busy noons, late or early evening. While alone or while with others. In the mood, or out. The times when I grab my sweater and just head out the door the minute He says, "Let's walk around the neighborhood." Or when He says, "Grab a cup of tea and we'll sit at the little table beside the fireplace and talk," and I grab a cup and start pouring.

The difference? He's not grieved. I come away refreshed, inspired and accompanied by the One who is all-wise. He walks around the house the rest of the day with me and amazingly, the necessary things get done. Grace helps me do them--and she is the hardest worker I know.

Coming when God calls--not after--gives my days a holy glow. Almost can I see Peace dancing upon my walls like pleasant shadows of leaves on autumn-tinted afternoons.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me..." -- John 10:27

I am supposed to be following God--not running out ahead of Him, making Him follow me.



  1. It's amazing too how much stuff gets done if you first slow down and do God's bidding.

    Take Care

  2. Oh Debra,
    This is so beautiful. I had this experience just today. It was a trying day. My daughter is running a fever. We almost had a grease fire when my son volunteered to cook his brother's tostada and I didn't teach him to turn the heat off when it was done. Then, rushing upstairs when I saw the billowing smoke, I fell and hurt myself. Crazy day. Kids were not wanting to get back into the home school routine after the weekend. (and though I worked I suppose I wasn't thrilled either.)

    Anyway, after cleaning up lunch I had a craving for a vanilla coke and something sweet. I reached for it then had this feeling that the Lord was telling me I needed His comfort, not sweets. I put the stuff away, turned on a worship CD and sat in my recliner for a few minutes. It didn't last long before I was interrupted and rushing after the four children, but it makes me feel loved to know He called out to me in the midst of my trying day. Your post is the perfect reminder of that sweet moment in the recliner.

    BTW, we're talking about grace at gracereign and I'm curious what your comments would be . . .

  3. Thanks, Michael... I hope you and your family are all finished with the stomach flu and on your way to full recovery!

    Paula--long time, no see! Thanks so much for stopping by. The email I sent you will illustrate my thoughts on Grace. :o)

    Thanks to you both... God bless, Debra


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