Friday, January 07, 2005

Angry At God?

I read something this morning which surprised me. Well, a little. It seems there are a heck of a lot of people angry at God right now because of the recent tsunami disaster.

And of course, that's their--that's your-- right. If you want to be mad at God, you are free to take that route. But don't look behind your shoulder in search of me to walk with you. I won't be on that road.

I'll be on this one:

"He is the Rock, His work is perfect: for all His ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is He." Deuteronomy 32:4

The Bible is plastered with warnings that these last days will be filled with terrible times. We have been warned. Like, for a couple thousand years.

And each of us has also had months and years to become close to the Friend who sticks closer than a brother. The One who speaks to the storms in our heart and calms them. The One who provides comfort so that we, in turn, may comfort others.

During times of disaster, people usually become acquainted with fear. Despair. Sadness, hopelessness and depression. It's a little hard to form a strong, peace-centered friendship when you're being thrown around in a ship on a wild, angry sea. It's hard to hear someone tell you about himself if the roar of the waves is in your ears.

And since the future is not going to get any rosier, now is the perfect time to get to know that Friend, instead. Compared to what the future holds, we are still in a semi-calm place. Again, it's plastered all over the Bible what is ahead in the road. And, well, it only gets worse.

But I'll choose white-knuckle trust instead of anger. I'll hold onto that Rock which never quivers or rolls, even though all other rocks around it may shift in the sand.

And I'll not become angry with my only hope.

God is still God and He is still good.



  1. there will always be people angry at God, so sad since "Jesus is the answer, for our world today - above Him is no other - Jesus is the way..."

  2. A long time ago I was at a conference and the speaker said: It's not time to thatch the roof in the middle of a monsoon. Your reflection reminded me of that thought. It still is relatively calm, and today is still the day of salvation! Seems like good fodder for if you'll excuse, I think I'll just go do that very thing.

    Blessings on your day!

  3. But at the end of the article that you referenced it says: "To wrestle with God is not to abandon Him. To protest against the unearned suffering He inflicts or permits is not to reject His message... quite the opposite" So I agree with you when someone lives their entire life being angry at God,it is very tragic. I disagree when a Christian in a desperate point in their life is angry with God, but turns the other cheek after much prayer and meditation in God's Word. In other words they still deeply trust God through the tradgedy.
    I find it so weird that your post had somewhat of the same subject as mine did yesterday, were you referring to my words or was that a coincidence?

  4. Thanks, Everyone, for your insightful comments! Fish-- The part of your poem which I identified most was your mention of being comforted by seeing things come to pass. That's how I've been feeling lately and it does feel odd, yet, at the same time.
    Hot Flash Sharon--thanks for your first time comment! (Love your I hope you will come back often.
    Thanks, again, everyone, for taking the time to comment... God bless, Debra

  5. It's nice to see a post like this to provide a little edification. Good words!

  6. Thanks Brad and Jamiespiderman for your first-time comments! I am enjoying reading your blogs and I hope you'll visit mine again soon. God bless... Debra


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