Sunday, December 19, 2004

Now Playing Outside My Window

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I only told you about part of yesterday. After the ghost town mall, Tom and I drove to Salvation Army--one of my favorite book haunts. I snatched up two delightful books, ones by Betty Cavanna and Elizabeth Enright, and hugged them to myself in glee.

Then Tom and I went to Taco Bell--his choice. We take turns choosing places. Our time there felt so Christmasy--Tom didn't even tell me I could have saved 35 cents if I would have ordered the xyz meal(even though I didn't want a z) instead of buying the x and y and the diet w which I did order. It's always nice when he doesn't point out things like that. We read our books and chatted and commented on the Christmas music. And looked out the big windows and smiled a lot.

Then we were off to the theater where we saw a matinee of Christmas With The Kranks. We snuggled in the cold, dark theater--it's always cold in there--I've been known to sit there with my coat like a blanket even in August. We laughed a lot and cried and sniffed at the sentimental parts. And afterward, ran to the car in the blast of snow-is-on-its-way air.

We experience many days like those, but some are more harmonious than others. They just flow easier and appear almost wrapped in golden light, even as they happen. Even before we look backward at them from years and years further down the road.

I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. -- Philippians 4:11.

1 comment:

  1. it's definitely looking wintery outside your window, Debra!!! and "it's beginning to look alot like Christmas". . . please hum along with me . . . :o)


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