Saturday, December 11, 2004

Charlie Brown Confidence

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known... 1 Corinthians 13:12


In years past, I've watched A Charlie Brown Christmas over and over, even in July or August sometimes. But I've not watched it this December, maybe because I have its message memorized and it's become part of my heart.

Basically, Charlie Brown was miserable and confused because he didn't understand what Christmas was all about. But when he discovers the uncomplicated truth that Christmas is simply about the miracle of Jesus' birth? His confusion vanishes. He picks up his little scrawny tree, and steps out into the cold world, quietly confident and at peace.

Some things I will always just 'know in part' as long as I'm alive on this earth. The Bible tells me I'll not understand certain things until I get to Heaven.

And well, I can let that frustrate me and challenge me to keep splitting my head against a brick wall and run to keep up with the 'big kids,' to know what they know and become depressed by trying to figure out God's ways.


I can walk out my own door in an even more lasting Charlie Brown confidence--believing simply, that life is about just two things:

Loving and serving Jesus.
Loving and serving people.

In that order.

And I can walk through this life with my own scrawny tree--my child-like, willing heart--learning from Jesus what He wants me to know and be fulfilled.

And help a few people along the way.


God has made every thing beautiful in His time... Ecclesiastes 3:11

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