Thursday, November 25, 2004

A Thanksgiving Anniversary

Today is a double celebration. Both Thanksgiving and Tom's and my 26th wedding anniversary.

I'm glad we only tease each other about their having been 26 long, hard years. They've not been hard, not the majority anyway, and they've not been long. No, they have sailed past, even when we've tried to slow them down, as though holding them in our hands so to examine and appreciate their beauty. 

Regarding our early days, I think, "God was compassionate not to have equipped us to gaze into the future." We'd not have the grace to bear what we saw ahead. Grace comes only at the moment it is required. That's why I don't try too hard to look down the road ahead--without grace, it only causes worry.

We must be doing something right. Our only child has been raised to adulthood and yet Tom and I are closer than ever before. We tell each other we make a great team. This 'opposites attracting' thing does come in handy. Where I am weak, he is strong. Where he is weak, I am strong.

We accomplish good things together.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Yes, even to my friends in other countries. Because after all, Thanksgiving should be celebrated everyday, shouldn't it? 



  1. Debra

    Lovely picture and lovely post.

    Happy Thanksgiving


  2. Happy Thanksgiving (we had ours last month . . . :o) . . . )
    and Happy Anniversary!!! i love the engagement photo ... has a lot to say about a quirky sense of humour . . . :o) . . . and that's a good thing! saija

  3. Michael and Saija--Thanks so much!... Debra


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