Friday, November 05, 2004

The Scent of Waffles

Here is a post celebrating today--Suzy Homemaker Day.

Oh wait! Didn’t you get the memo telling you to stay home and celebrate? I do hope you received it...

You won’t find a bigger fan of S.H. Days than me. First thing after getting Tom off to work, I made celebration waffles in our old silver waffle iron. It’s not a real S.H. Day without the scent of waffles permeating your home and the taste of blueberry syrup upon your lips. The old Cosby Show played on the little TV on top of our refrigerator while the waffles sizzled and baked. That Cosby family always makes me laugh.

After my waffles, I threw on my coat over my robe. Braving the icy wind, I fed the backyard birds. I think they were grateful, but they ate so fast they were unable to thank me.

I stepped down to the eerie depths of our basement and washed a load of darks. Turned on the TV in our bedroom upstairs and saw Randolph Mantooth on a local talk show and watched old film clips of Emergency! while I folded clothes. I reminisced about my high school crush on both Randolph and Kevin Tighe and also recalled how my brother, sister and I would lie in front of the TV and watch that show (and others). We’d inch up to the screen ever-so-slowly to see who could get the nearest before Mom told us all to move back or else we'd ruin our eyes.

As soon as Naomi left for work, I turned up the stereo--loud--and played classical music. Wrote in my diary. Ate sunflower seeds and read a bit more of My Sister Eileen. (How sad to read yesterday online what happened to the real Eileen.)

Then I suspiciously eyed our cat who is spending his S.H. Day still as a statue staring at the corner of our fireplace. The last time he did that, we had mice. Seems there’s a tiny hole in the wall back there. Here we go again..

I straightened the house and then Tom came home from work (for 5 minutes) to try to fix our computer which wouldn’t go online and was wheezing all morning.. It started right up for him (of course), though he did do one little thing that he forgot to tell me to try over the phone.

But it was good for me to be offline for these 5 hours because I fear getting so attached to temporal things. I mean, what if someday I am stranded on a deserted island, or worse, what if I am jailed for my faith? I’d have no computer or friends or television to entertain or sustain my soul. So now is the time to dig deep wells within me, places where I can carry-on this growing friendship with Jesus, lest someday He literally becomes all I have.

I often think about What If things like that. Do you?

And that was most of my morning. I didn't mention playing with the cats, changing the litter box or the way the light shown on the oak floors while I made our beds. All this before noon and Heaven, too...

Oh, and a very Happy Suzy Homemaker Day to you...

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