Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Are We Really That Helpless?

Already people are complaining, "Oh no. It's like the year 2000 all over again. A decision will be reached sooner, but we'll still have to endure weeks of political rhetoric, whining, accusations and emotional ups and downs..."

But isn't that like saying, "Here we go again. We'll have to climb up on the mental torture rack and allow the political hype to bombard and agonize us. There's nothing else we can do."


I mean, are we so helpless that we can't turn off our TV's for a few days? Have we become unable to make a quick stop at and then move on to brighter places?

Are we so addicted to election news that we have to watch whether we want to or not?

Or are we so unused to thinking our own thoughts from deep within that we'd come up empty if not for election coverage? And heaven forbid...have we come to rely upon the media to supply the thoughts we should be thinking at this time in History?

And if we're surrounded by people in our lives who are vocally all riled-up, are we still unable to find a quiet place in God during storms of others' discontent? Are we unable to direct conversations to more uplifting subjects? Or do we even know of any?

Have we lost the ability to march to the beat of the Greatest different drummer while the rest of the world is marching behind the same old sad one? Or have we been sucked into their Parade of Despair without knowing it?

God help us all--myself included--if we've become that helpless.

Jesus said to them, "Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds?" ...Luke 24:38

A heart at peace gives life to the body... Proverbs 14:30


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