Monday, October 25, 2004

Scared Or Prepared?

I feel something in the air, something which says changes are coming. Do you feel it, too?

This upcoming U.S. Presidential election has something to do with it. I can't help but feel that whichever candidate wins, this election will bring about changes for us all.

Of course, I could be wrong. I have been wrong once or twice before.  ツ

But nonetheless, I want to be as prepared as possibly for whatever looms ahead in the future~~near or far away. 

The time to prepare for anything is always before it happens. I realize that sounds elementary, but it's wild how often people experience a huge change and then feel sick with regret that they hadn't prepared earlier.

I'm not feeling another 9-11 is in the air, not exactly, yet today I am vowing to never again park myself in front of CNN, watching horrific events until I, myself, need a whole staff of counselors to peel me off the recliner. No, no more turning myself needlessly into a basket case. 

Instead, I want to prepare myself now spiritually, mentally and emotionally so that I can be one of the helpers, one of the counselors, instead of one of the counselees, come what may.

I am feeling like that Bible verse which says, "Be instant in season and out of season." 

And of course there's always the temptation of Distractions: allowing myself to get all caught-up in political arguments and hype or other such bunny trails. But lately I've been wanting to find a balanced type of single-mindedness which will keep me on the right track toward God's goals for me and my family.


Are you a list-maker like I am? Here is my own Get Prepared, Avoid Being Scared list as it stands today:

Spend more time with Jesus:
Listen to Him and keep my thoughts on Him throughout each day.
Express gratitude all day long.
Read the books He leads me to. Take notes.

Get my house in order, figuratively and practically:
Give away what we don't love or need (ala that famous quote by William Morris).
Pay our bills.
Stock-up for winter.
Update our emergency kits.
Catch up on long overdue emails to friends.

Finish what I start.

Well, that's a good beginning, anyway. I know if I do my part, God will be faithful to do His. But it does takes both.

And for the record, I'm making these preparations not in fear, but in faith. There's a sense of joyful anticipation that, come what may, God will take care of everyone who looks to Him as their provider.


"A person's true character is revealed by what he does when no one is watching."
from God's Little Instruction Book


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